Our Team


Kristin joy Davis: Founder & Author

Kristin is an Educator and an Enlifted Level 3 Coach. It was while she was teaching that she learned about the power of her words. Once she discovered the magic she could create by using her words differently, she knew she needed to share the magic with others. Kristin founded Language Ninjas to empower parents and children by empowering their language. She now guides parents in upgrading their communication with their kids.

Rachel Bedel: Designer & Illustrator

Rachel Bedel is the Middle Maker. She is a designer and artist that has been creating solutions with her art for over 14 years. Her purpose is to utilize her talents as a bridge that connects you to your inner joy. Creating for the Language Ninjas brand is giving her the ability to design and beautify content that makes a difference. A mom herself, she understands the importance of how she uses her words and how this influences and affects her daughter’s language as well. She gets to help create change while creating beauty throughout the brand and within all of the books.